Sunday 17 March 2013

Day 15: “When I die Dublin will be written in my heart.” ~ James Joyce

Our flight leaves Dublin at 12:45 P.M. so we will wake up and leave our hotel at 8:30 (we don't want to rush and for international flights we have to be there three hours in advance). Goodbye Ireland, you will always remain in my heart!

Lost in Ireland
Who knows where the road will take me (image site)

I do not want to wait too long before partaking on this dream vacation as I want to experience the world before kids come into the picture or I am old and have regrets. Though my dream vacation at the moment is to go to Ireland so I can learn more about my past, I still have other dream vacations in the back of my mind: I want to travel to Greece and Turkey, then I want to see the Pyramids in Egypt. It is never ending. I never want to stay put in one area focusing solely on work. I want to travel with my friends, I want to try new foods, see exotic places, learn more about human history. I am so excited to bring Josh on this trip as he has not had the same opportunities I have had to explore the world. I have been to Italy, France, Switzerland, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, the Cayman Islands and many different states in the U.S.. Josh has never left Ontario. I have a wall in my room which contains a map where I have pinned off places I have visited and above I have framed pictures showing key tourist destinations for each of those places. Some say that with globalization today the world has become much smaller, but each time I travel my world view expands, the world continues to astound me, and pictures can never do it justice. I feel this course may be detrimental to my bank account because the more gateways I see the more I want to travel! What is funny is that I was just showing my Aunt this assignment and less than a few days later she herself booked a trip to Ireland! My excitement must have sparked the desire she held deep down to visit her mother’s home country. This trip is a reality, we will save up the money and on the trip we will enjoy ourselves (without being too liberal with money). The trip itself will cost around $7,500 (with food and drink, gas, car rental, flight, souvenirs, cost for tours, shows, massages and rooms) Josh himself was there as I planned it and I made sure to ask whether he too thought certain sites were to his liking and he put in his own two cents in as well. The scenery, the food, the beer, the atmosphere all is so enticing I have neglected my other studies to work on this assignment :S I hope you enjoyed my trip. I know I certainly will.

When I come back, hopefully I will have learned to pronounce the sites and places (oh and also the proper way to say my last name hahaha) we visited after going on this trip. I also really hope I can come back and show my family here in Canada their family tree and can trace our ancestors back to Ireland and figure out who they were, what they did, and why they came to the beautiful country of Canada! I also hope I find a new favourite beer while in Ireland and have mastered the art of pouring it. I want to come back with a few tacky t-shirts, some Irish tea, and a few pieces of pottery and glass, AND I also want a camera card full of pictures! I have a feeling I will be full of pride after having visited my ancestral land! I hope I will come home feeling lighter in heart and mind, and not to mention body seeing as we will be walking everyday and learning how to dance the Irish Step (but then again with all the food and alcohol we indulge in .... maybe a few extra pounds won’t be too tragic). My goal is to inspire others to travel, especially to Ireland, and I won’t stop at anything to show my friends pictures (of course I will make a shutterfly book) and tell them the amazing stories of the experiences I had and the tales I heard.

Day 14: "I write it out in a verse - MacDonagh and MacBride And Connolly and Pearse Now and in time to be, Wherever green is worn, Are changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born." ~ W.B. Yeats


Today the theme will focus on Irish history revolving around the events of the Easter Rising. In my British and Irish Literature class we spent a lot of time discussing this pivotal event and its implications. I was deeply moved and decided to do further research on it by writing an essay on Yeats’ "Easter, 1916" poem. We will embark on the 1916 Easter Rising Walk, a two hour informational tour which takes us to all the locations associated with the Rising (LP 95). To conclude this experience, will then stop and see the General Post Office where the rebels of the Rising raised the Irish Republic flag in an act of defiance against the British (info from my lectures). Furthermore, what is interesting to note is that there are still bullet holes in the structure (LP 88).

Considering it is across the street from the GPO and because I love his works, especially “The Dead,” I have to visit the James Joyce Statue (LP 89).

                                                                                                                         The GPO

Why not compare different Whiskeys at the Old Jameson Distillery, I may find out which I like best thereby acquiring a new drink, or perhaps I will just become more knowledgeable. The tour sounds interesting and informative and ends with whiskey, but we have time to spare so Josh and I might just enhance our whiskey tasting skills by adding on to our tour and participating in the Comparative Whiskey Tasting


Tonight we will have our final dinner at The Brazen Head. What an excellent way to end the trip by listening to amazing speakers recite the folk-tales the Irish have passed along through generations while eating a delicious meal. Everyone loves listening to a good story and tripadvisor raves about how excellent this experience is, so we can't go wrong!
Beef and Guinness Stew or Traditional Irish Stew, I can't decide! But I will pair it with freshly brewed tea and Chocolate Fudge cake :) (info from menu). 

We will then make our way back to the hotel, no late night tonight as we have a plane to catch :(

Friday 15 March 2013

Day 13: Lions and Tigers and Bars ... Oh my!

          The Dublin zoo will be the perfect way to start off our day. The best time to go to a zoo is in the morning as the animals are awake and energetic. The zoo opens at 9:30, so we will be there at 9:30! I am very excited to see the different exhibits and I may have already started watching the live video feed of the penguin habitat :S and then managed to stumble upon this at the gift shop. As the site claims, there are over 400 different species and, most importantly, this zoo is home to many endangered species (with "international breeding programs" set in place) which I am excited to see but also saddened to hear ( We humans must live more sustainable or else the list of endangered species will continue to grow. We will have pizza for lunch, yes something quite common in Canada, but this morning we are in the mindset of a young child, before heading out to enjoy our adult alcoholic beverages. I guess the theme of the day is adult vs inner child ... beer vs. zoo.
Big kittens

          Once we have finished exploring the zoo, we will make our way to the infamous Temple Bar district. There are so many shops, pubs and restaurants I have no idea where to start. Who knows what might actually suit our fancy when we get there, but for now here are a few places that caught my eye!

          1. Why not continue our day of exploring the inner child by stopping at a sweet shop. The selection's astounding and I have no idea what to pick ... yum!
I feel like a kid in a candy store

          2. Maybe I will try and design some fancy hats, see if Josh will like that! The designs look truly amazing and unique.
This one might be a bit too advanced for us

         3. I would love to stop at the Old Storehouse Bar & Restaurant as according to the site there is a live band every night (and live bands are in my opinion the best way for music to be played). But what I like most about this bar is how green and outdoorsy it is. For, there is actually a garden in the Storehouse, so for once the term “Beer Garden” is justified ( 

        4. Of course in the Temple Bar District, one must stop at the Temple Bar. Their claim to fame for dinner is Dublin Bay Oysters & Guinness, and that sounds excellent to me. I do not often get the opportunity to eat seafood so I will indulge in it tonight. The menu continues to excite me as it also serves Irish Coffee and it is known for how excellent it tastes. Sure it may just be all hype, but I can’t wait to find out and try it for myself! Furthermore, there is a historical sense to the building as it is over 160 years old. And finally another reason to go is due to the fact that they won "Bar of the Year Awards in 2012" along with countless other awards (!

         Eventually we will stumble back to our hotel, glad we picked one so close to our festivities, and take a well deserved night's rest!

Day 12: "A drink precedes a story" ~Irish Proverb

           My Aunt Linda, whose family is from Ireland, told me as I was planning my trip that I had to go to Waterford Crystals. So this stop is for you Auntie Linda! I look forward to seeing how such works of art are created, I really do not know much about glass making so I am highly intrigued. And, of course, I look forward to purchasing a set of fancy glasses for Josh and I (it is not our 15th anniversary but who doesn’t like crystals!)
Quite the spectacle in the "Blowing department"

           After stopping somewhere for a quick lunch we will then make our way back to Dublin. 

           Our next stop, which I am very very excited about, is the Guinness Storehouse. There, some of the highlights I have discovered by exploring the site is learning how to make Guinness and also, learning how to pour the "perfect pint" ( I am usually quite embarrassed when it comes to pouring beer so I look forward to developing this skill so I can impress my friends back home! What is interesting about the storehouse is how each floor holds something different. For example, there is a restaurant where we will eat dinner (yum... meals made with Guinness)! Another floor has a spectacular shop where Josh and I will most definitely buy a Guinness shirt and I plan on buying my dad a personalized bottle of Guinness as a souvenir. But the best floor will be the amazing circular room surrounded by windows known as the Gravity Bar. How wonderful would it be to see all of Dublin from there (very CN tower-esque) while enjoying beer. (info from This day cannot get any better!
Front gates of the iconic Guinness Storehouse

           We decided that we'd return to the same hotel we stayed at the first two nights in Dublin. It is a good price and on the edge of Temple Bar district. We plan on relaxing and prepping for a late night and early morning the next day! 

Day 11: "May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face" ~ Irish Blessing

          Josh and I both decided it would be a lot of fun to play a round a golf in Ireland, the land of green. There is nothing like having fun while exercising! Both of us have played before, but we had to ensure we picked a course that was open for everyone, we are no experts. I did take lessons as a kid and Josh worked on a resort that had a golf course. Wouldn't it be amazing if we happen to come across my favourite player, Rory Mcilroy :)
          Once we have finished golfing, we will relax and de-stress by spending time at the spa. Here we will partake in Refresh & Revive
Taking the opportunity to pamper ourselves, we are on vacation after all
          After we do a bit of touring through the streets of Cork we will travel to Waterford, sticking to a more scenic coastal route. We are stopping here for the night so we don't have to drive all the way back to Dublin in one go. The hotel we will choose is situated on the river with a wonderful view and is conveniently close (300 meters) to our activities in the morning.

Day 10: "There is risk and truth to yourselves and the world before you." -Seamus Heaney
Angela's Ashes

          The next morning, while traveling through Limerick, Josh and I will stop at the Frank McCourt Museum. I will never forget Angela's Ashes. It was on the list of novels we had to read in grade 12 and this touching and haunting memoir truly affected me. As Grade 12 was pivotal to shaping my career as a teacher, and also further instilled within me a love for language, I feel stopping at this museum is a must.
Oooo, So pretty
           After this quick visit we will go to one of the places I actually knew about before planning out my vacation, the Blarney stone, and yes I am going to kiss it! As a teacher I need the gift of gab. I will admit I am a little nervous to be leaning over the edge to kiss the stone, I have a 'little' fear of heights ...We will also tour the gardens surrounding the castle afterward, most likely in hopes of calming me down after this event! I think Josh just wants to go into the poison garden section which has an "enter at your own risk" sign. With plants I have only heard of in stories, like Wolfsbane and Mandrake, I am quite excited to see it as well. There are also tours of the castle and its dungeon which sounds fun and spooky as well. (
I won't need the help to kiss the stone ~Josh
A skull? Is this safe?

           Afterward, we will treat ourselves at the Castlemartyr Golf Club and invest in the package deal which includes dinner, 18 holes of golf, and a deluxe room. (this will be our most expensive night but why not indulge :) There is also a swimming pool as the site explains, which will be nice to relax in after walking around the castle all day.

Day 9: "Ah, you've come over the water. Powerful wet stuff, ain't it?” ― C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader"

          Now that we have gotten the partying out of our system we will resume our sight seeing, this time by taking a Boat Cruise, giving us a different vantage point and a new way to explore Ireland. If I have flown and driven, ridden a horse and walked, why not boat? (and will make for beautiful pictures). Josh is quite excited for the opportunity to see some puffins after scrolling through the site for it is one of his favourite animals (note: he made me write this in the blog)!
Let's hope we feel sea worthy from the night before

           Once we return to the mainland, we will stop for a bite to eat before heading underground to the Doolin cave. The tour is almost an hour and occur ever 30 minutes throughout the day as the site describes. I went on cave tours in South Dakota and it was the highlight of the trip, in fact we had only booked one tour and loved it so much we went on a second. Hence, I would love to take Josh on a tour like this so he can experience it. It is thrilling to be in a cave, feel the dank musty air surrounded by darkness while using lights to see alien like rock formations. Journey to the center of the earth anyone?
The cave is known for its "enormous stalactite that looks like a giant squid" (LP 372)

          We will then return to the surface for some fresh air while taking a 1 km walk through the farm land and country side. I am interested in seeing how farm life in Ireland differs from that of Canada.

          After the walk, a nice pottery souvenir  will be the best way to remember the trip, as pictures do not turn out well in caves unfortunately, especially if you do not own an expensive camera. I myself would be way too worried about loosing it on the trip that I have no desire to own one. What is neat about the pottery, is that it is formed out of the cave's clay ( 

 Dinner please! Vaughan's pub is a "Top Choice" according to the LP (376). So after the tour we will try the seafood chowder and combine it with the well known Irish dish, bacon and cabbage. We look forward to hearing great Irish music while participating in Set Dancing in the barn next to the pub as it sounds like a rip-roaring good time.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Day 8: "Take Me Home, Country Roads"

          The Cahill family is known for their cowboy-esque ways. My grandfather, Grant Cahill loved his horses and purchased a large farm on the outskirts of Strathroy. Of course his sons grew up and fell in love with his passion and both of my uncles have continued the ranching tradition. My Grandpa always took my brother, my cousin and I out horseback riding when we were growing up and so I have fond memories about the times we shared. He passed away a few years ago to cancer and I have not been riding since. But, when I saw the opportunity to ride in Ireland, the home of my ancestors, I knew I had to partake on this excursion. Here I feel I will be truly connected to him and his spirit will be with me as I look over the beautiful cliffs of Moher on horseback.
Might be best if we have some lessons before hand ~Josh worries

          After horseback riding, we will stop and pick up sandwiches for lunch and make our way to Fanore Beach. Here we can have a picnic and relax as we listen to the calming sounds of the waves and feel the sun's rays warming our faces. This will definitely be a change of pace, but a much needed one.

          The Atlantic View Guest House seemed like a  no-brainer when deciding where to stay for the two nights in Doolin. It's so close to the cliffs of Moher (15 Minutes) that you can feel the ocean breeze. It doesn't hurt that we get a free breakfast either (pancakes for me and a traditional Irish breakfast for Josh).

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Day 7: "Sing your song. Dance your dance. Tell your tale" - Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes
Awww, how could you resist these cuties
          While we are staying in Galway we plan on spending most of our day enjoying the Galway Art's Festival that runs for two weeks in July every year. But first we have to get our cute fix for the trip. We couldn't resist the chance to see adorable puppies and well trained sheep dogs in action. I have taken part in helping herd cattle on a horse for the Cahill cow branding before so I am very interested in seeing how sheepdogs herd ... well sheep! The 11 o'clock tour will work best so we can spend the afternoon at the Art Festival and then see a concert (according to the website they tend to have concerts on Fridays)!

          During the festival there will be a plethora of entertainment choices. Josh seems particularly excited to see comedy shows as he loves a good laugh. I on the other hand look forward to seeing the different street performances (ex dragon below) while immersed in the crowd and living in the moment.
A wonderfully designed dragon as part of the street performances

          This day is more about meeting other people who have come, like us, to celebrate this festival. As this is also one of the few times we will be able to shop, I will drag Josh with me to the Eyre Square Centre which incorporates both "local and national stores" (and maybe I will buy some Irish tea for Mom, a new outfit for myself ...)


Monday 11 March 2013

Day 6: "Who you gonna call..." ~ Ray Parker Jr.
Bloody chamber - Bloody chapel... Close enough

          After breakfast, we will make our way to Leap Castle. If I manage to survive visiting the ancient Fairy grounds I wonder if I will survive this haunted Castle. It was not my choice to visit this frightening place, but Josh loves anything scary. So, I bargained with him and picked a castle tour that took place during the day (no dark creepy setting for me)! What I love about this excursion though, is that the owner of the castle takes you on a private tour. Supposedly the highlight is the “Bloody Chapel” which sounds very Bluebeardesque to me (LP 508). A good scare though is quite energizing, it really makes you value life more, but I might not be able to sleep that night ...

           After the Castle tour the next stop we will make is Clonmacnoise “Ireland’s most important ancient monastic sites” (LP 509). If Josh can have his pick, so can I.

           As the day has a theme surrounding the dead, one of the sites I wish to see is the old monastic graveyard. These Celtic crosses that serve as tombstones are spectacular. Considering I survived the Leap Castle (well I hope too ...) I plan on doing a little prayer service in the afternoon in the old cathedral (hopefully with a rosary I can purchase from the visitor center) (LP 510) . It just seems so fitting to pray silently in this spiritually awakening place.
One of the tombstones scattered throughout the old monastery graveyard

          After this excursion, we will make our way to Galway (unfortunately today might be a little rushed so we will not be able to take the most scenic of routes and stop for photos etc. as I certainly plan to do for the rest of the trip. I love sitting in cars and watching the countryside pass by and I may drive Josh a little crazy if I make him stop so I can take pictures of castles and other Irish sites along the way :)

           We will be looking forward to seeing Trad on Prom for their Sunday show. As the link shows, there is a dinner and show special which looks very enticing. Succulent food along with dancing and singing sounds like the perfect way to end the night :) I recently saw Leahy perform at the Western fair and enjoyed their combination of Irish folk singing and dance, so I look forward to seeing Trad on Prom, as I can experience the Celtic performance in its homeland. Though the price for dinner and a show for the two of us will amount to a night's stay at a B&B we are treating ourselves :) 
(this video is taken from the Trad on Prom cite)

          We will be clamoring into our beds after this jam packed day. For convenience, we are staying at the Sunrise Lodge B&B for both nights that we are in Galway. This cute little place falls right between the location of Trad on Prom and the center of Galway, which is where we are heading tomorrow.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Day 5: "Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand" ~ W.B. Yeats

          Since we are staying at a lodge, one of the activities Josh and I have the ability to partake in is to go canoeing (as the site describes) in the morning :) an excellent way to wake up (and to remind me of Algonquin). After, we will pack up and make our way to Trim castle. What would a trip to Ireland be if we did not stop and see castles! One of my favorite movies of all time is Braveheart and I was astounded to read that this Medieval castle was featured in the film (LP 542). Thus out of the many castles of Ireland this one holds a special place in my heart. Perhaps Josh will allow me to paint half of his face blue ... We have to ensure we stop here in time for the tour at 11 A.M

          After viewing this spectacular castle we will make our way to the Hill of Tara. Before touring the Hill, I will visit the Old Tara Book Shop to purchase the book The Tara Walk written by the store owner Michael Slavin. In it are instructions and information on how to experience this historical pagan site (LP 541). I can't wait to walk through this area and really soak in Irish folklore at its best, while learning more about my Irish roots and feeling the presence of some mystical magical power that lingers here still. This is one stop I cannot overlook. Hopefully, I will not let superstition get the best of me as I traverse this pagan ground (especially when viewing the Fairy tree as shown Below)
Hawthorns: Cloth wards off bad luck from fairies

          Once we have finished the self guided tour, we shall make our way to the Midlands where we will be staying the night. We will have dinner at the Old Fort Restaurant. Situated on the Shannon River, the restaurant was once a fort used to defend Ireland from the infamous Napoleon (LP 509) It is the perfect night to relax and enjoy a three course meal after such a busy day (perhaps I will even try the Slowly Braised Lamb Shank as the menu describes ... yum)? Shannonbridge is described as being "picturesque" so we will definitely take the opportunity to walk around this quaint "sleepy village" (LP 509). It sounds so relaxing :)
          Of course, the best way to end the day will be by stopping at Killeens Village Tavern (where we have to leave Josh's business card, it is tradition LP 509)  for a nice pint before our heads hit the pillow. We picked Gullane's Hotel out of convenience as it is situated close to the next day's activity therefore cutting down on drive time, while also close to Shannonbridge.

Day 4: "His soul had approached that region, where dwell the vast hosts of the dead." ~ James Joyce

          Very early in the morning, after a strong coffee, we will begin our hour journey to Bru Na Boinne and embark on a half day tour to see this impressive Neolithic necropolis (LP 534). Due to it's popularity, as the book warns, we will have to arrive before 9 in order to secure ourselves a spot in the tour, which may be tricky because of our late night but we can manage! (LP tip 534). It is astounding that this necropolis "contains Ireland's finest Stone Age passage tomb, predating the Pyramids by some six centuries" (LP 10). Looking at such ancient history will be breath taking and really will put my life in perspective to see how small of a role I truly play in human history. This site seems magical and ancient and I cannot wait to explore it. Furthermore, considering my Josh is a technology kinda guy, I feel he will really find this amazing structure quite fascinating

          We will be partaking on Tour D. Since this will be a half day tour of Newgrange and Knowth, we found a in Newgrange to stay the night. The hotel, as the site claims, is a "restored farmhouse" which I find really neat as it will have a lot of character, and it also is "overlooking the spectacular UNESCO site of Newgrange" (Newgrange Lodge). What a view! The owners also claim it has "Stunning countyside walks" which Josh and I will readily explore after dinner (Newgrange Lodge).

          To save money on the trip, and since we will be visiting other historical sites, we will sign up for the OPW card before our trip. The Heritage Card provides us free admission to many attractions and historical sites (OPW). It will be a great investment.

Day 3: In Domino Confido (I trust in the Lord) ~ Cahill family motto

A Day on Discovering my Roots
The Cahill family crest
         I am proud to be a Cahill!  According to a website I have explored in order to learn more about my roots, I discovered "Ó Cathail- meaning probably 'strong in battle' from 'cath' or 'battle' [is] One of the oldest Irish surnames" (

          After having breakfast at our hotel Bistro, we will then partake in what I believe to the be one of the biggest highlights of the trip, to trace my ancestry at the Genealogical office in the National Library in Dublin. (LP states "this is the place to start your search for your Irish ancestors" 21). I have researched as much as I could on google, but my family, unfortunately, does not know much about their past. My Dad believes the Cahill's came to Canada to escape the devastating Potato Famine, but I really want to fill out my family tree and learn about my past from historical records. I am very willing to pay fee to have a genealogist help me with this as this will be the best souvenir I could bring back to share with my family! (LP 75).

         Onward to Trinity College. I will be a University graduate by then and since I truly appreciated my experience at Western/Kings I am excited to stop at this extraordinary college, comparable to Cambridge and Oxford. I can't wait to explore the library, walk the grounds and most importantly, since I am Catholic and also majored in Catholic Studies, see the Book of Kells. These beautifully crafted manuscripts of the Gospels will cause me to stand in reverence (learned pamphlet blow) .

        A tour seems like the best way to go to learn more about the college, plus it also pays the entrance fee to see the book of Kells
I thought we were done with school ~Josh

          After the tour, Josh and I will grab something to eat and make our way to St. Stephen's Green where we will have a little picnic and relax outdoors. Just looking at pictures of the park on the internet really piqued my interest. It looks absolutely beautiful and this photo really caught my eye. I love taking the time to smell the roses and to truly experience the wonders nature has to offer.
A beautiful river bridge in St. Stephens Green

          We will then walk to Kehoe’s pub. Nothing is more relaxing than drinking a cold beer while sitting outside in the sun on the terrace (hopefully it won’t be raining)!

          After eating dinner, Josh and I will embark on our first Pub CrawlAfter reading "The Dead" in grade 12, Joyce inspired me to pursue a degree in English Literature and after also taking a class on British and Irish Literature I am very much looking forward to this combination of beer and quotations. Luckily we picked a hotel within stumbling distance of the pub crawl route as we may have sampled a few of the local beers.

Day 2: "Within this restless, hurried, modern world We took our hearts' full pleasure--You and I" ~ Oscar Wilde

Dublin ahoy!

          After debarking the long plane ride I can bet Josh and I will be both tired and stiff but extremely excited to begin our excursion! There is no way we will be able to sleep, so onward to adventure.

          Thankful for a safe flight and praying for a wonderful trip, as a good Catholic, my first destination on Sunday morning at 9:15 will be to attend mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Living near Lucan, Ontario, my home parish was built by the many Irish Immigrants which came to this small town, so it makes sense the parish was dubbed St. Patricks. Hence, as St. Patrick is one of my favourite saints and it would be such a moving experience to celebrate mass on the sacred ground he stood upon (LP 82). Though my boyfriend is a non-practicing Anglican (aka Atheist) I will still drag him to Church, but instead of focusing on the spiritual aspect of it, he can admire the architecture.
Wow... Look at those archways~ Josh

          We will definitely be hungry, so once Mass has finished we will rejuvenate ourselves with a tasty brunch and coffee! According to the Bewley Cafe is one cafe that cannot be overlooked. Josh and I love our coffee (it is known for its coffee too), but Josh is very excited to have a good ol' fashioned Irish breakfast with delicious Irish potatoes and black pudding (a specialty our travel guide "dares" us to try so I will be brave and have a spoonful, maybe it'll be delicious! LP 45) But, I have a feeling I won't like the pudding so this time it will be my turn to view the architecture of the building instead.
If any place could rejuvenate me, it's here!
Bewley's Full Irish Breakfast


            Josh and I wanted to stay in quaint little hotels with character, no generic chains. We want to experience Ireland! So The Harding Hotel seemed like the right choice. In fact, we picked our hotels for that reason throughout the entire trip, quaint and located close to our activities. is an amazing website that provided us with great rooms for great prices. The majority of the places we will stay in are around $100 CDN a night and some are less and we did not pick any rooms rated less than 7.5 out of 10. The Harding is close to the Temple Bar district, meaning close to pubs and that is another reason why we chose it. The hotel also has a nice Bistro where we can eat breakfast as the site claims.
        After dropping off our luggage and touring around Dublin on foot, we will make our way to the National Museum of Ireland which is open from 2-5 (LP 75). Josh and I are excited to learn more about the history of Ireland. We are looking forward to seeing the Viking Exhibition the most, especially since Josh believes he is a viking himself because of his anglo-saxon roots ... We will also stop and see Irish Celtic religious artifacts such as the Cross of Cong and Ardagh Chalice for me (LP 76-7).  The guide book suggests a "pancake on the go from Lemon" restaurant which would be perfect for Josh and I considering we had a big brunch (LP 76).

          Having been inside for a few hours, it will be nice to see the greenery in the beautiful Merrion Square. As Josh and I are both outdoorsy active people, walking outside in the fresh air is welcoming especially since Josh and I will spend the majority of our lives sitting at desks either marking papers and planning lessons or fixing computers. I also have gone interior camping a few times with friends in Algonquin (I know most people would not find carrying only a backpack and traveling with just a canoe to be their ideal vacation, but not this girl). Having a major in English Literature, and also being a big fan of The Picture of Dorian Gray, I look forward to taking my picture with the infamous Oscar Wilde while traversing the Square (LP 80).
Oh Oscar Wilde that is quite the smirk you have!

          After our leisurely walk around the park, we will randomly pick a pub to eat our dinner and enjoy a pint of beer. As the travel guide states, the pubs are the number one attraction in Ireland and I have no problem trying different beers (LP 6). My mouth is watering just writing this ...

          As we will barely have slept on the plane, we will call it a night and make our way to the hotel in order to rest up for the next day ahead of us!